Close All Records in Group
Accessing the Complete/Close window from the master work order allows you to Complete/Close all the work orders in the group.
Open the master work order for the group.
You can tell that the current work order is a master work order by looking at the Work Center header. The words Master Work Order will be displayed after the work order ID.
Click Complete/Close.
This button appears at the bottom of the page on the Details, Tasks, Costs, and Docs / Images pages.
The Complete/Close window opens. Since you have accessed from a master work order, the system presumes you will be operating on all work orders in the group. The following additional characteristics can be observed:
The Group Identification is listed in the upper-right of the window, rather than the individual work order ID.
The All Work Orders In Group check box is selected.
The Requested and Issued states are not included in the Status History area.
Individual assignments are not displayed, and a Set All Assignments Complete check box is available.
The Labor Report includes additional controls to allow you to determine how the labor report comments should be applied to the members of the group.
The Meter Readings section is not displayed, and the Asset Status section only provides an option to bring equipment back into service.
The Parts and Other Costs sections do not display. These costs must be added on the Costs tab.
Complete the appropriate options in the window.
For a complete guide to using the Complete/Close window, including specific instructions on working with groups, see Complete/Close Options for Multiple Records.
Click Apply.
It is not advisable to clear the All Work Orders in Group check box when working with master records, as individual changes made to the master work order can leave the child records in an orphaned state. This means if you close out the master work order without closing out the children, the children remain in an open / unfinished state. Since it is difficult to locate and open the work orders, they are often left in this unfinished state.